Top Spring-Cleaning Tips

Freshen up your home and get it looking its best in a single day with our top 10 spring cleaning tips

It’s spring cleaning time again. 

Time to get your home ready for the long hot summer months ready for garden parties and barbecues. Let us help you bring a little freshness into your home with a thorough deep clean!

Don’t know where to start with your Spring-cleaning project?  You can use this to-do list which includes all the spots you might have neglected so you can tackle them with full force.

Can you complete the full house in a single day? Let the challenge commence…

Here are our top tips to spruce your home for summer:

Your Wardrobe

Organising your wardrobe is the first step to organising the rest of your home.

Get rid of unused clothes and accessories and organise the rest by how you get dressed in the morning.  You can categorise your wardrobe by colour and season to make your wardrobe look appealing and make your everyday routine easier.

Our Top Tip

Use non-slip or velvet hangers to stop clothes slipping off their hangers.  That will save you ending up with a big pile on the floor that will need to be ironed.


Your Doors

Your front door is the first impression of your home that visitors get, so make sure it’s a good one!

All you need to clean uPVC or Composite doors and frames is simple soap and water.  You will also need a soft cloth and good quality glass cleaner for the glass.

uPVC doesn’t need painting, but if you fancy a change of colour, this should only be done by a suitably qualified company.  Your local installer can offer expert advice on the best way to do this.

Our Top Tip

For any small marks on your door that can’t be removed with soapy water, try using a domestic non-abrasive cream cleaner.  Avoid using abrasives too much though as they can affect the gloss finish.


Your Wood Floors

You don’t need to mop real wooden floors every week.  This can ruin them.

It’s best to only “wet clean” them every two months with a floor cleaner spray.  You should spot clean spills or marks as needed.   Brush floors regularly to remove dust and dirt that could scratch the surface where people walk.

Use saucers or plant pots beneath house plants.  This helps avoid water damage where plants are standing.

Our Top Tip

Use furniture protectors on the feet of tables and other furniture to avoid scratches.


Your Carpets

To keep your carpets looking their best and lasting longer, the golden rule is to vacuum twice a week and have them professionally cleaned at least once a year.

For heavy-traffic areas or if you have children, pets or smokers, you need to clean more often.  We recommend vacuuming your carpet anywhere between three and seven times a week and deep cleaning every three to six months.

Practising good home hygiene is vital for the health of your house.  Having your carpet professionally cleaned has all sorts of health benefits. Deep cleaning destroys germs and bacteria and prevents them spreading through your home.

Our Top Tip

Having your carpet cleaned will prolong the life of your carpet and save you money in the long run.  Most importantly your carpet will look and smell as good as new!


Your Mattress

Remove your bedding and mattress protector to wash them and dry them fully. 

Try using your vacuum's crevice tool to clean the surface and sides. You can use a spritz disinfectant spray afterwards to sanitise the mattress.

If your mattress is reversible try turning your mattress over to spread the wear and keep the coils taught and even.

Our Top Tip

If your mattress is 10 years old, it should be changed to ensure firmness and comfort.


Your Windows

Do not use vinegar and newspapers to clean your windows.  That can cause damage that won’t be covered under your guarantee.

All you need to do is simply use hot, soapy water to sponge the frames and a soft cloth and glass cleaner to clean the glass.  Voila you’ll have sparkling windows that look as good as new.

The outsides are best left to the window cleaner!

Our Top Tip

To avoid streaks, wash your windows on a cloudy day.  That way the sun won’t dry them before you’re finished!

If you’re unsure about how you should clean your windows, then please contact your local installer and they’ll be happy to help.


Your Conservatory

In summer months you’ll spend more time in the garden enjoying the beautiful outdoors.  If you have a conservatory, you will want to ensure that it looks its best.

Wash the roof and side frames of your conservatory every few months with soapy water.

To prolong your conservatory's life, avoid solvent or based abrasive cleaners. 

Whatever you do, don’t use power washers! A power washer might seem an easy way of reaching tricky areas, but it could damage the frames or even break the glass.  To clean hard to reach areas, either hire a specialist ladder or contact your local installer for expert advice.

Our Top Tip

Clean gutters regularly to remove debris but don’t stand on the glass because you could break the glass and put yourself at risk.

If you’re unsure on how to clean your conservatory without damage, please contact your local installer for expert advice.

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