Room for Improvement This Christmas

What do you judge when visiting someone's home?

Being Brits, we care what people think about us. From our dress sense to our hair style right through to our home cleanliness and interior design. How often have you visited someone's home and noticed the unusual smell, the wonky picture frames or dirty windows? Christmas is the time where we're hosting more guests than usual, from friends and family to the additional furry friend to celebrate the festive period in style. During this period we must ensure our home looking it's absolute best, after all we couldn't have people thinking that our home isn't 'to die for' could we?!

Making a Great First Impression

According to our recent First Impressions study the average Brit takes just 38 seconds to judge someone's home, come on... we're all guilty of this!

We're house proud (well, 60% of us are) and want to impress our guests when they visit, especially when they visit for the first time. Our study shows that 3 in 10 of us go to the extremes by buying expensive food that we can't really afford and 1 in 4 of us purchase candles and air fresheners to create the perfect sanctuary.

Hover over the circular buttons below to discover how homes are judged when guests visit. 

Improving your Room"

How can you prepare for those festive guests you ask?

- Make sure you know exactly when they are arriving, date and time!

- Clean, clean, clean. Make sure you've done the cleaning well in advance and don't forget the windows as they are the focal point of your room!

- Tidy up any belongings and return them to where they should be. This is a good excuse to cleanse your home and stay on top of it, you'll feel better in yourself!

- Be yourself, you don't need to buy unnecessary items to impress your guests. You're the hostess with the mostest!

- Make an extra special effort with your living room. After all nearly a third of people judge your living room first as this is most likely where they'll be when they visit.

- Don't forget about your home exterior. Ensure you've had a quick look around the outside of your home to remove any leaves/rubbish.

How we can help

Here at Independent Network, we are passionate about beautiful homes. Choosing the correct windows and doors can have a huge impact on the appearance of your home and your individual home style, especially when those eagled eyed guests are visiting!

Our Independent Network Installers can provide help and advice on which windows and doors will suit your home and you can choose from a vast range of colours and textures to match your interior design. You can even have a different colour on the interior and exterior of your windows to create a fully bespoke and stylish look.

Inspired? Check out our range of windows

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